American Soundscape Tour Concert!

How do we say, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood” or “once upon a time” in music?

Julianna Waller-Martinez and Carlos R Martinez from Essential Music present An American Soundscape Concert Tour of original classical music. Each short masterwork takes you on a journey and they believe you will be inspired.

Come and listen to American Soundscape No 1. inspired by Robert Frost’s poem The Road Not Taken, The Barefoot Queen inspired by poet Ruben Dario, and The Wild Horse Overture which depicts a beautiful horse as it runs, walks, dances and is just free, plus more!

• In order to attend you must RSVP * Limited seating available. Spacious seating provided. Mask required. Not a ticketed event


Select Date to RSVP!

Friday Aug 20 | 21 Or Saturday Aug 21 | 21

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